NPP Environmental Activities
Preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Qatar's Ministry of Environment (MoE) is tasked with the responsibility to develop, oversee and implement the environmental laws with Qatar. MoE requires that a large-scale infrastructure development such as the New Port Project, are subjected to an EIA Study and be approved, before the project moves on to the construction phase.
In line with MoE requirements, an environmental scoping report was developed for the EIA study. This scoping report provides details of the proposed methodology for the EIA study including plans for collection of environmental baseline data. The environmental scoping exercise included the following tasks:
- Compilation of project related information were reviewed in order to understand the scope of the NDPP.
- Appraisal of environmental sensitivity of the project site based on environmental baseline data available in public domain.
- Site visits by environmental experts.
- Consultation workshops and meetings.
- Preparation and submission of the Environmental Scoping Report to the MoE.
The scoping report for the EIA study documented the overall scope and provided a detailed approach for collection of baseline data as well as assessment of the impacts on the various environmental attributes.
The Environmental Consultant has been working together with the Engineering Design Consultant to help develop a design that will avoid or minimize adverse environmental effects wherever possible. The Environmental Consultant has compiled these anticipated environmental effects and recommended mitigation measures in an EIA Report that will include the following key elements:
- Description of the project, project location and layout, all activities to be carried out during construction, commissioning and operation, the expected type and amounts of emissions, effluents, discharges/wastes and risks generated during construction, commissioning and operation.
- Establishment of current environmental baseline conditions where potential effects are anticipated to occur.
- Assessment of the significance of the identified impacts in relation to established MoE guidelines and regulations.
- Assessment of the need for mitigation/monitoring measures in order to minimize/control environment impacts/risks.
- Assessment of cumulative effects of the project, which examines the impacts in relation to other existing or permitted facilities within the area of influence of the project.
- Requirements for a Construction Environmental Management Plan and Operations Environmental Management Plan.
Environmental Baseline Studies
Because the site is undeveloped, environmental baseline studies were undertaken to clearly document the existing conditions at the site (terrestrial and marine) and in the immediate environs.
Knowledge of the existing environmental conditions relevant to the project site is one of the key requirements of the EIA study. The baseline environmental conditions were established through primary site-specific environmental surveys and data collection during 2009 and 2010. In addition, secondary data was also referred to, where available.
The following main surveys and analyses were performed for the EIA study:
- Terrestrial and Coastal Ecology surveys were carried out for the mapping and characterisation of habitats and plant species. Observations of avianfauna, reptiles and mammals were also conducted.
- A quantitative survey of Soil Quality was performed by collecting 338 samples at various depths from 64 boreholes. Samples were analysed for various potential contaminants.
- Groundwater Quality was established through sampling from 67 boreholes along with on-site and laboratory analyses of a large range of organic and inorganic components. Short term and long term pumping test were also conducted to determine hydro-geological conditions and aquifer properties.
- Noise and Vibration surveys were performed at pre-identified locations around the NDPP site.
- A site specific ambient Air Quality monitoring survey was conducted over a period of four months of for a range of air quality and meteorological parameters.
- Hydrographic surveys of currents, waves, salinity, temperature, turbidity and bathymetry were performed.
- Marine Water Quality was characterised by collecting samples at 41 locations (surface and bottom and also during incoming and outgoing tides). The samples were analysed for a range of ambient water quality parameters.
- Marine Sediment Quality was determined though a survey consisting of analyses of sediment samples collected from 46 locations for a range of chemical and physical parameters.
- Marine Ecology and habitats were surveyed though underwater video surveys (both transects and spot surveys) characterising benthic environments including sea grass, macro algae, corals and epifauna. Fish, shrimp and sea snakes were surveyed via a trawling survey in 2009. Plankton and benthic fauna were populations were determined through the analyses of 41 and 46 samples respectively.
- A non-invasive Archaeological Survey was conducted by experts from Moesgard museum, which was subsequently verified by the Qatar Museum Authority whom excavated significant sites.
- A Socio-Economic survey was undertaken to characterize the existing residential, commercial, institutional and industrial make-up of the larger study area.
- A Public Participation group meeting was held to obtain the views of public and business stakeholders on the development of NDPP.
Environmental Management Planning
The MoE require that a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and Operational Environmental Management Plans (OEMPs) are developed and approved by MoE, prior to commencing of the construction and operational activities respectively.
The comprehensive CEMPs and compliance monitoring programs will be implemented and developed by the Construction contractors. Amongst other things, these CEMPs will broadly provide for:
- Construction method statements, risk assessments and environmental control procedures for specific aspects relevant to the construction activities e.g. dredging management plan;
- Details of environmental compliance monitoring;
- Waste management plan;
- Solid and hazardous waste management;
- Control of air emissions, dust and noise;
- Spill control procedure;
- Environmental auditing procedures;
- Emergency preparedness and response system.
The NPP SC appointed an independent contractor to perform verification and effect monitoring. The verified results of compliance monitoring and effect monitoring data will be submitted to the MoE at regular intervals. Audit programs will be conducted to verify effective implementation of the CEMPs.
The OEMP will be implemented during NDPP operation to guide environmental management, and will include the following broad aspects:
- NDPP environmental policy
- Environment management organisation;
- Environmental control procedures;
- Waste management plan;
- Ballast water management plan;
- Oil spill control and response plan;
- Emergency preparedness and response system;
- Environmental monitoring program.
Environmental Monitoring
Monitoring of environmental impacts during the construction and operational phases are one of the key requirements of the MoE. This monitoring is to ensure that the impacts are within the acceptable limits and to monitor the application and the efficiency of mitigation measures proposed in the EIA.
Construction contractors are primarily responsible for conducting compliance monitoring programs applicable to their respective construction works. In addition, the NDPP SC has appointed an independent environmental monitoring consultant to undertake:
- Inspections and verification monitoring to independently verify the results of the monitoring programs conducted by construction contractors; and
- Effect monitoring to identify the impacts of the NDPP construction works as a whole on the surrounding ecosystem components.